Citizens Democratic Initiative Project implements international project Competent in voluteering, competent in life in cooperation with Volunteer Center in Cluj Romania, with Volunteer Center in Osijek, with University of Matej Bel in Banska Bystrica, Slovakia and Pedagogical Lyceum Gheorghe Sincai Zalau Romania. Coordinator of project is Platform of Volunteer Centers and Organisations, Slovakia.
Project CIVCIL focuses on young people with fewer opportunities to become volunteers. The main aim of the project is the social inclusion and better integration of young people with disabilities and few opportunities to society through volunteering and thanks to recognition and validation of competences acquired during their voluntary activities. This goal will be realized by creating and adapting an online tool which recognises and validates these competences and strengthens their employability. We will also create a European website on which we´ll present tools.
Second part of the project deals with a creation of outlines and training materials and as well as with training of management of volunteers focused on young people with disabilities. These programs aim to train organisations to work with people with a certain type of a disability and on subsequent participation of these people in volunteering.
The expected result will not only include the engagement of young people with disabilities to volunteering, but also the improvement of managment of young volunteers with disabilities in organizations and promotion of volunteering in countries participation on the project.
Projekt građanske demokratske inicijative provodi međunarodni projekt Kompetencije u volontiranju, kompetencije u životu u partnerstvu s Volonterskim centrom iz Cluja, Rumunjska, Volonterskim centrom iz Osijeka, Sveučilištem Matej Bel iz Banske Bistrice, Slovačka i Pedagoškim licejem Gheorghe Sincai, Zalazu, Rumunjska. Koordinator projekta je Platforma volonterskih centara i organizacija iz Slovačke.
Projekt se fokusira na poticanje volontiranje kod mladih ljudi iz ranjivih skupina. Glavni cilj projekta je socijalna inkluzija i bolja integracija mladih ljudi s poteškoćama te onih iz ranjivih skupina kroz volontiranje te priznavanje kompetencija . Cilj će se postići stvaranjem online alata koji prepoznaje i potvrđuje kompetencije i jača njihovu zapošljivost. Isto tako, stvorit će se europska web stranica na kojem će takvi alati biti prezentirani.
Drugi dio projekta odnosi se na stvaranje trening materijala kao i samog treninga volontera fokusiranog na mlade ljude s poteškoćama. Ovi programi biti će namijenjeni organizacijama koje rade s ljudima s određenim poteškoćama i na njihovom uključivanju u volontiranje.
Očekivani rezultati projekta obuhvaćaju ne samo volontiranje mladih ljudi s poteškoćama već i poboljšanje menadžmenta volontera s poteškoćama u organizacijama te promociju volonterstva u zemljama uključenim u projekt.